How Does an Ultherapy Treatment Compare to a Facelift?

Aesthetic treatments are constantly evolving, just like the treatments in any medical field. As new technology is discovered aesthetic dermatologists find new and improved ways of helping our patients achieve smoother, more vibrant, more youthful skin. One of the newest additions to skin smoothing and facial rejuvenation is Ultherapy. But how does it work, what’s the recovery like, and how do the results compare to those of a facelift? Keep reading to learn more about this remarkable new treatment.

How It Works

Ultherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for facial rejuvenation. It uses ultrasound technology to penetrate down into the structural layers of the skin without damaging the outer dermal layers. This makes Ultherapy truly unique because it targets the same supporting layers of skin that surgery would address, but in a much less invasive manner.

We guide the Ultherapy device over the skin as it emits ultrasound waves into these supporting layers. The waves stimulate natural collagen production, which helps to gradually provide you with smoother, more youthful skin. Collagen is a natural protein that helps skin to stay firm and elastic; a loss of collagen is what leads to wrinkling and sagging, so stimulating that natural production again can combat it.

On the other hand, a facelift works by surgically removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscles. The surgeon quite literally lifts the structure of the face and re-contours your facial features.

Side Effects and Downtime

The primary reason that Ultherapy is becoming increasingly popular is the lack of serious side effects and downtime. Ultherapy is an outpatient procedure that is so incredibly gentle, we can perform it with nothing more than topical anesthesia—and that’s just to ease the mild warming and prickling sensations that most people experience. An Ultherapy treatment doesn’t usually last more than 30 minutes, and most people experience no side effects; however, you will need multiple treatments to achieve optimal results.

Facelifts are a much more invasive procedure—just as invasive as having any other sort of surgery. You will need to be fully sedated for a facelift, and you’ll have to take time off to recover from the procedure. Downtime can vary between a week and several weeks. Most people experience swelling and pain in the affected areas. As with any surgery, there are certain risks related to infection and other such complications. However, if done correctly, you should have no long-term side effects and should be able to go back to your normal life within a week or two.

Comparing the Results

You may now be wondering how this now form of treatment compares to a facelift. Can it really provide results with only a few applications of ultrasound waves to your skin? The fact of the matter is that being a less-invasive procedure, Ultherapy won’t provide quite the same level of dramatic results that a surgical facelift will provide. However, the results can be quite remarkable after you’ve had a few treatments.

It’s also important to note that the results of Ultherapy are not as instantaneously noticeable as those of a facelift. This is because the results rely on your body’s natural collagen production; once the collagen response has been stimulated, it may take a few weeks for you to notice significantly smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

How long your results will last is also an important consideration. The majority of the effects from Ultherapy treatments will last one and a half to two years. However, you will see some longer-lasting effects as your body continues to produce more collagen for the next several years. The results of a facelift can last are not permanent, like some people might believe, but they do last longer than Ultherapy’s results—typically between 5 and 10 years, depending on your skin.

Is Ultherapy Right for You?

So, now it comes down to the question of whether or not this new form of facial rejuvenation is right for you. This is really going to depend on your priorities, but for those who want to achieve natural-looking results with minimal risk and downtime, Ultherapy is a fantastic option. With just a few treatments, your skin will be firmer and smoother, and the results will last for several years.

If you’re interested in Ultherapy, contact Le Bella Med Spa. Our skincare professionals can provide you with more information about this remarkable new skin-firming treatment. And if you decide it’s right for you, we’ll set you up with your first appointment. Come and see just how much of a difference Ultherapy can make for your skin. Give us a call today!

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